Some More Photos

I'm attaching some pictures from the last few days: Aine's space alien drawing...note the antennae on the head!; Aisling learning about the computer from her sister this morning...; Aine sticking some toilet tissue (better known right now as mommy's kleenex, LOL) on her head to be a telly tubbie; Aine's dress up party today...note Santa is dressed in a wedding dress, and my old little red riding hood doll my Aunt Diane made me when I was a child, all dressed up for the party. Aine loves that red riding hood doll...I have to tell the story for it with the doll at least once a day...
Aine is doing well in montessori...learning tons! They are having a "teddy bear picnic" tomorrow and are to come dressed in pajamas and to bring their favorite teddybear!

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