No Aisling's Allowed

She's been crying on and off for about an hour and she is still crying poor kid...won't go to sleep for me tonight, despite teething medicine and the fact that it is almost 10pm...she isn't wailing, but crying "mommy" every few minutes or so... so I haven't picked her up, as I have to get some paid work done tonight. I want to get some errands run in town tomorrow while kids are in school/with want all work done that I can manage tonight... If I pick her up she'll be up another hour or two, so I'm going to persevere, boo hoo :-(
Both girls have been good today, although Aisling is still being a difficult eater... I blame everything on the teeth...
Aine's art gallery on this second photograph...didn't get any other photos of poor left out Aisling today...will focus on her tomorrow!!

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