Aine had a bad day...

During the day she helped me clean, ate well for breakfast and lunch...
Then came dinner...and mommy and daddy's new decision that there is to be no processed food dinners as a regular feature...girls will eat what we are least one bite...then fruit or yogurt if they don't like what we give them... We had a real battle to get her to eat our moussaka tonight...Aisling loved the aubergine and ground beef...Aine took many tears, lots of "you're not my friend anymore" and "never evers" to get her one bite... It took us threatening Santa Claus wouldn't bring her "kiddie makeup" this year (She will be getting kid nail polish etc for giving Santa all her pacifiers) and her waving to a pretend Santa looking at her to make sure she ate her food, LOL! The joys!!
I managed to get to my yoga class again today...yeah! Also walked three a good eating and exercise day for me... Not such a good eating day for dinnertime anyway...

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