I have been very remiss yet again at posting...between my visit to the States, coming home and straight into Christmas visiting, events, shopping...then a hideous cold/infection/ick that struck me down for over a week with no sense of smell or taste... Now it is already the new year and I need to get back to reality again.
I stepped on the scale, 153!! I have somehow managed to go up and down 30 lbs this year. Not good.
Resolution #1
Lose 5 lbs a month to get to goal of 125 or below for summer...
This can be accomplished alongside
Resolution #2
Walk, Swim, Yoga, move that body more...
This also ties into
Resolution #3
Cook more often and cook healthy food for kids...meals at table not in front of TV
Resolution #4
Look after myself better: more water, more exercise, lose weight, healthier foods...but also bed earlier, floss those teeth, etc...
That should keep me well busy...
along with also trying to post here at least 2 times a week...and on my quilting blog equally as often....and working on more scrappy quilt projects...and some cross stitch samplers... geesh...better stop making goals...
I'm feeling unfocused right now, but hopefully I can regain that focus over the next month...I'm still really recovering from the dreaded ick.
Anyway...no photos today, but soon I hope...just wanted to get this back up and running again.