This is the view from our local library! I take the girls there every other week or so now and love this view! I'm really enjoying the patchwork group, and bring my
Dear Jane quilt there to work on while I chat about quilting! How cool to find other people in real life that like quilting and fabric as much as I do...

I've finished the 3rd border on the Dear Jane quilt and now have to attach it. After getting the last border on, I'll need to do another plain border that will eventually be the scalloped edge...90 inches of straight sewing plain muslin is not going to be very exciting, especially done 4 times! Oh well!
Everyone seems to be posting goals for the month, so I think I'll join in!
1. Finish Dear Jane top
2. Start Crazy Quilting practice and Joggles.com class!
Since the first goal is a doozy, I don't think I'll add much to this list. I think this year I am not going to do too many hand made presents... in November, I will try to finish a baby quilt for a friend I will see in December, and maybe something for my parents for their new house, a small quilt...everything else will be bought!