Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Catching Up: Waterford's Tall Ships, Beach Trips and more...

Have gotten lazy again about blogging... been busy, and haven't kept up...

We took the girls last Friday to see the Tall Ships in the harbor in Waterford...dozens and dozens of masted sailing ships all along the waterfront, really impressive. Aine loved going on the ships with daddy, and I even took Aisling on a few... Aine got to ride the merry go round and other rides as well, and met up with her older man, Conor, and they both got their faces painted...

Got a lot of quilting done this weekend on my Dear Jane Civil War reproduction fabric doing the blocks by hand and am enjoying the process... also doing well this week with my eating, heading back into the 120 range again, woo hoo!!

Took the girls to the beach on my own on Sunday, not to be repeated too often as I couldn't bring the stroller and it was a hot day and I had to take a 1 year old, all our beach stuff and urge a 2 year old up and down steps to the beach...eek! Aine had a GREAT time with her new bucket and shovel playing in the water, a shallow inlet from the ocean which was nice and safe! Forgot the camera though...

Have been walking this week by taking turns with friends...they come over, I watch all the kids while they walk and vice versa...lets us all get walks on our own without whiny kids slowing the pace!!

The girls are doing good...more soon!

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Busy Day...

Had 2 babies and 2 toddlers this afternoon, so that kept me on my toes! Aine's friend Conor and his sister Holly were here while their mommy headed into Waterford to get some lovely spa treatments done in preparation for her wedding. The kids were pretty good and somehow I even managed to get the babies and toddlers down to the corner shop and back! Did well on the eating front today...even with a late Thai takeaway meal...

Aisling learned to sip through a straw today and also stacked some blocks...pretty cool day for her. Aine just continues to amaze me with her words and actions. Today she took her play iron and imitated me while I ironed, down to taking the steel wool to scrap off the gunk that got on my iron, LOL!!

Anyway...will throw in a few pics of Aine here that I've taken over the last few of her jumping in "muddy puddles" and the other of her "giving the cat a haircut"!!