Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Seeing the World from a Different Point of View

Aisling in mommy's shoes this time...she loves shoes, and bags, and phones... can't wait till she's a teenager! Help!!!

Got a phone call early in the morning that the viewing they told Dave about doesn't exist. We still can't figure that one out. Maybe they were talking about another house?

The woman that looked at our house on Tuesday liked it, and wants to bring her husband back to see it, but we don't know when?? Keep your fingers crossed.

Aine is missing her daddy these days, getting tired of him being away all week...but she is generally good and is getting into outdoor activities even in the cold...trampoline, bikes, and her new favorite they do at montessori: "racing" complete with crouching down at the start line and doing ready steady go! Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Tuesday Doings

Here are my girls dancing in the kitchen this morning... Aisling had just gone up to her sister and said "dansh" Ain't they cute?

Mother and Toddler Group in Mooncoin, the next village over. It is from 10:30-noon on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and the girls have lots of buddies there... including that ever-present Conor, LOL!! There are toys, biscuits and juice... and friends... what's not to like! We try to make it at least one of those days each week... but momma sometimes likes to have one morning each week where she isn't rushing out the door to go somewhere!!!

Aine having great fun riding her bike at high speed down our driveway... Posted by Picasa

Monday, February 20, 2006

Guess who dressed herself today!

We were running late for Montessori and I told Aine to run down and start getting dressed, to get her underwear changed... I made her lunch and then went down to help her, but found she was putting her shoes on after having chose this outfit...not too bad for a 3 year old! Miss Independent!!

Took a few more photos today. Aine has been really good with her sister, liking her company more. Even said she missed her while she was napping!

She drew tons of pictures and was very good today.

At montessori the teacher says she is doing great with her work...shapes, letters etc...

They played nurses at montessori, so Aine came home and found her nurses costume and gave me some pills, LOL!!!

I'm exhausted so it is bedtime for me!!! Posted by Picasa

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Joy Riding

Conor and Aine have a real love/hate relationship, mostly hate these days, but here is a good moment!

They have dress up day tomorrow at montessori and Conor wanted to be a cat, so he borrowed Aine's costume and I enlarged it (read: ripped the seams, LOL) so that he can wear it. I also sewed him a tail!! They should have fun tomorrow!

Aine will be sporting a fairy princess costume complete with "kiddie makeup". Should be a fun morning.

We have a new estate agent coming out tomorrow, as we have only had two people look at the house in 2 months. We'd like to sell the house within the millenium, LOL!! Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

My little computer girl

Aine is learning how to point and click...all because she wants to color in quilt squares on a quilt program I have with pretty colors and patterns, LOL! She spent a long time today while her sister napped and I sewed and ironed next to her filling in all the triangles, squares and other shapes with colors...she has really picked it up with only basic help weeks ago showing her the mouse! What a different world even I grew up in! I started using computers in my 3 year olds are well able to start! Posted by Picasa

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Second Generation "Baby School"

I was a strange child and loved to play "baby school" where I taught my teddies and dolls various school subjects, LOL! My daughter has adopted my strange ways, with no urging from her mommy who hoped that she wouldn't be as weird as I was, EEK!!

Here Aine is this afternoon, reading a thrilling Dora story to "monkey paul", ballou, and hippo. I had been vacuuming and could hear her talking in her bedroom, came down and found her reading to her students.

Aisling is still teething up a storm. I got a call yesterday from the nurse who was supposed to give the MMR to her on Tuesday. Apparently she gave her the water or whatever they mix with it, without the actual vaccination. Not too impressive. She'll have to come back and get another injection, poor kid... I should probably read them the riot act, but I'm no good at those kind of things, as she was very embarassed and apologetic.

Aine has learned her ABCs in her second week of montessori...she used to get the alphabet half right when singing the ABC song, but as I half listened to her singing yesterday, I realized that she actually got all the letters right this time. She said "school teacher" said I was the only one that learned them, the boys didn't listen, LOL... clever girl!!! Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Catching up with photos

I am going to try to post photos again every couple of days or so, even if my news isn't very interesting, grandma and daddy can have some pics of the girls while they are far away :-( Life with two small kids is always busy, but can't say that it is always interesting.
Today the poor girls got injections...Aine is the first time she really knew what was going on, as she was 18 months old at her last one. Aisling got her MMR, a big issue here in Europe, as well as America, but I hope that she will be just fine with it. Has been her normal chatty insane self the rest of today...

Tomorrow Aine is off to montessori, Aisling to the babysitter, and I'll be working from home for a luxurious 2 hours of daytime instead of my regular night time hours!

The hot tub is calling me, but I hope to get another hour or so of work in tonight, and some quilting projects. I started a quilting blog if you are interested...just has pictures and news of various projects I'm working on...helps keep me organized!