Here are my two girls, growing up so fast, hanging out on Aine's bed in a sisterly moment that I interupted. Aisling is eating one of mommy's chocolate cookies she is addicted to (having a bad Weight Watchers week, LOL!!)
I am hoping to keep up better with my blogging, and my photo albums...have been looking around for a good photo organization program, and mom suggested Picasa which has been perfect for all the things I do with my photos, including blogging...and it is free...very cool. I hope to be able to make web albums of the girls photos and various trips etc and store them on our website. We shall see how this all works out!!
Most of you probably know that Dave was let go from his last job in September. He is getting several interviews and one very strong prospect and another quite good one, but none of them will let us stay where we are now...so it looks like there is a move in our future... We're budgeting the money to last as long as we can, though I am being selfish and bringing the girls with me to the States!! We'll be there from November 19 - December 10 and I'm really looking forward to it! We have the money in savings so we should be okay. And hopefully Dave will already have a new job by then and the money he got as severance pay will be like a bonus (fingers crossed!)
I am still doing Weight Watchers and not doing horribly, though I must say I'm doing badly this week!! But I'm still in the 130s range so not too bad anyway...just wish I wasn't so much of a junk food junkie!
I'm still obsessed with my quilting hobby and my quilt that I am hand piecing. I have made a virtual reproduction of all the pieces of the quilt I've finished so far...
click here to see it if you want!!
Other than WW and quilting, my life is filled with daily rhythm of raising those two girls of mine...Aine is writing her name and speaking Spanish...she'll be 3 in November...we're still waiting for her montesorri to open its doors (it is a new one)... Aisling is a wild woman full of temper, but very cute and cuddly...she goes around with her "bibby" any bib that serves as a security blanket!! We call Aisling "Imelda" (as in Marcos) for her obsession with shoes. Today she was walking around in Conor's shoes, Aine's 4 year old boyfriend (she goes for older men, LOL!)
Aine will be giving up that pacifier soon...she is giving them to Santa at Christmas in return for some "nail varnish" i.e. nail polish!! What a girlie girl!!
Anyway...hopefully you'll catch me posting here every other day or so...with more photos and news...